Holly and Homicide by Alina Jacobs is a cozy mystery novel set during the Christmas season and is the second book in the Christmas in Harrogate series. The story follows a protagonist whose life takes a dramatic turn when her cheating husband unexpectedly drops dead in her Christmas-themed cat café. The situation escalates when the death is linked to her signature dessert, Santa’s Surprise, putting her under suspicion of murder.
Complicating matters, the protagonist must navigate the suspicions of the townspeople and the skepticism of a handsome lawyer, Marius, who reluctantly takes on her case. As she works to clear her name and keep her café running, romantic tension develops between her and Marius, despite his initial belief that she might actually be guilty.
This lighthearted mystery blends humor, holiday cheer, quirky characters, and a touch of romance, creating a festive and engaging narrative
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Dec 16, 2024 20:36 PM